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Tongue & Groove

This classic, elegant floor is by far our best seller. Made from either Douglas Fir or Ponderosa Pine, this is our in-house grade of fine character flooring. We do not grade out clears, preferring instead to include all of the wood that we derive from excellent sawing and drying methods. Our character grade floor is still a number one grade, and all defects have been removed to give you the best look and quality. Book-matched boards and sequential pairs will all come with your floor.


Just as it sounds, this finish is subdued yet actually quite remarkable. Our modern, American-made brushing machine adds a look that is part “dock of the bay”, part “burn and brush”, and all beautiful. The brushing makes Fir and Pine floors actually wear very well, as it removes the softer “spring wood” from between the rings. Wire brushing does interesting things with stain as well, often giving the wood a sort of three-dimensionality which is hard to duplicate with other finishes. A lovely, reasonably priced, unique finish that makes an even, level, easy to live-on floor.



This classic, elegant floor is by far our best seller. Made from either Douglas Fir or Ponderosa Pine, this is our in-house grade of fine character flooring. We do not grade out clears, preferring instead to include all of the wood that we derive from excellent sawing and drying methods. Our character grade floor is still a number one grade, and all defects have been removed to give you the best look and quality. Book-matched boards and sequential pairs will all come with your floor.


Like Circle Sawn, but with the marks of a band saw.  A bit more “toned down”, but still has lots of character. Like Circle Sawn, the roughness is buffed out using our state-of-the-art dual drum buffing sander, but it absorbs more stain than the smooth wood around it, creating a lot of great tonality and effect.  Works well with most stains. Easy to live with, it is quite level and tends not to show dirt! This is a very versatile finish, which works well in a number of architectural styles when used with the proper stain color.


Made on a real Circular Saw, so our marks are real! This floor, especially in our flagship color, OW#2, is in many fine homes, restaurants, clubhouses, and a few billionaires’ lodges and cabins.  A true Railroad Era floor, it was chosen for the Buffalo Bill Cody Cabin on the north rim of the Grand Canyon by the US Park Service.


Hand scraping has become one of the more popular finishing techniques on the market today. This is a floor that we showed a decade ago at a major flooring expo- it was immediately “ripped off” by a variety of others. We have many other finishes that you won’t see in any other floor, but if you love this look, we practically invented it. We’ll get it to just the right level for your taste and needs.


NOT “hand scraped” (we do that too, but…). This is made using block planes, carefully tuned and used to your level of taste.  We look for a legitimate, museum-grade representation of a hand-adzed or planed floor that might have been found in a fine home on the frontier. Carefully sanded to prevent splinters, it absorbs stain in remarkable ways, particularly on the back side of knots where the knives tend to pull or tear a bit. Our hand planing technique means that no two boards are exactly the same, and it is impossible to emulate in a machine.


This very exclusive floor was created in collaboration with the owner of a large ski area for a corporate retreat high up in Summit County, Colorado. It quickly became popular with our other customers, and is now one of our personal favorites. This beautiful and unique finish combines aspects of skip planed, hand planed, and hand scraped, underlying a unique “Cobbler Finish” created by using a variety of hammers to create clusters of peened area. The inspiration for this finish came from an early 19thcentury cobbler’s table in the owners living room in Santa Fe. You won’t see another of these anywhere. We will make it to your level of finish, taste and color.


Available finished and unfinished. Unless otherwise specified, all of our floors come in 3 ¼”, 5 ¼”, 7 ¼” widths. A very wide 8 ½” special width option is also available. With the exception of very wide planks, all of our plank floors are ¾” thick. Special thicknesses may be available upon request. The material for our floors is kiln dried to below 7%, tongue and grooved, but not end matched. A few knots may need filling depending on your taste, but we only include sound, beautiful knots. We grade knots! Our planks are random lengths, from 12’ down to 18”, though the average length is over 5’. This is part of good forestry. We include a very nice mix of boards in each order, always being aware of the overall “look” of the customer’s order.

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